Sonship description


When The Lord created man, we were ‘formed in the image of God, according to His likeness’.
We were formed to be image bearers…..sons…..reflections of the nature and likeness of The Father-on earth, as it is in heaven. As we stood in His Presence, exposed to His counsel, relationally expressing His glory, we expressed The Father’s design and desire. At the fall, separated by sin, naked without the reflection of His glory, we lost our relational connect– and instead of being formed in His likeness, we began to be a marred, deformed creation.

At the Incarnation, Jesus comes to give fallen man an exact representation of the Father’s image. John 14 shares that if you have seen Him, you have seen the Father. He also comes to purchase redemption for His fallen creation. Upon their purchase, they are restored to relationship once more…..but unfamiliar with how this restored relationship is expressed.
What we look at in our Sonship Study is the way Jesus modeled this restored relationship for us.

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