Hearing God

Following the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, the restoration of the Kingdom is dependent on redeemed mankind relearning and regaining their spiritual capacities, previously forfeited at the fall. Fallen man, separated from God, navigated life by means of body and soul (mind, will and emotions).  Operating together, without the oversight of the Holy Spirit, they are what scripture defines as ‘flesh’.  Galatians 5:17 states, “The old sinful nature loves to do evil, which is just opposite from what the Holy Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are opposite from what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, and your choices are never free from this conflict.”

Human babies are born with eyes and ears, yet they must learn to identify sounds in order to gain language, and with language and words, they begin to identify what they are seeing.
At new birth, when the Holy Spirit once more makes His dwelling in our spirit, we are given eyes  to see and ears to hear that are spiritual, and give us intimate access to the living Word of our Father.  We once more have the capacity to walk in fellowship with the Living Lord, but it takes spiritual development to mature in our understanding.

Jesus, the incarnate God, lived as an observable model of Sonship.  He demonstrated to his disciples how to walk in restored relationship as sons of God.  They not only heard what He said–they saw what He did–and how He submitted His will to His Father.  We are also invited into this dynamic adoption and can once more engage in a day to day walk in the life of His Spirit.